Over the last couple of years I have seen an increase in videographers at weddings, leaving me feeling scrambled to stay on track with making sure my couples have a variety of images to choose from. I love having the videographers there but it definitely forced me to refine how I was working on a wedding day so I was more efficient. Insert my “ABC’s of Posing”. It started by watch Justin & Mary’s “The Art of Authentic Posing“. It’s such a simple process but I grabbed onto it with my life and found myself adapting their posing. After 1 season doing their top 10 poses they explain in the workshop, I decided to look at my own body of work. Surely I had poses that I naturally do with every couple, right? OMG! As soon as I looked, I noticed that I had 12 poses that I almost always do. I was stoked and have named each one and do them with EVERY couple. Below, I will list what my poses and show how no couple is the same.
American Gothic
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